Friday, December 12, 2008

Covering all her bases

The following conversation establishes the fact that my daughter is officially a super smart and savvy 3 year old.

Setting: I am making dinner. Avery is playing with her pictures and letters on the fridge, when I hear:

"Oh, Look Mommy. Its a picture of me and my best friend" while pointing to the picture of her sitting on Santa Claus' lap.

Oh Yea Ave- Santa Claus is your best friend?"

"No, he's not. Ruth and Caden are my best friend."

"Oh, Ruth and Caden are your best friends?"

"No, they're not. Katelynn's my best friend."

"Oh, Katelynn's your best friend?"

"No....MOMMY is my best friend."

"You are right Avery. But its ok to have more than one best friend."

She's covered all around. You can't go wrong with having many best friends, especially santa or mommy.

The shirt says "Best gift ever"and I could never deny that...


Lisa said...

She is adorable.

Audrey, Russ, and Carson said...

I love it Chels! I can't wait to see you this WEEK!!!!!!!!!!

KC Knicks said...